Monday, September 28, 2009

A Discovery...

It was till the last day that I did not know that Parul could write. I mean actually write poems and articles. Today she is at her home.. where she always wanted to be. And from some of her trash which she left behind.. I found this poem. Hey lady.. this one's going on my blog. Hope you won't mind.

ऐ खुदा हमको ऐसी खुदाई ना दे ...
ऐ खुदा हमको ऐसी खुदाई ना दे ...
कि अपने सिवा कुछ दिखाई ना दे ...
हंसो आज इतना कि इस शोर में ...
हंसो आज इतना कि इस शोर में ...
सदा सिसकियों कि सुने ना दे ...
कि अपने सिवा कुछ दिखाई ना दे ...
ऐ खुदा हमको ऐसी खुदाई ना दे ...


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

That was so me...

Today I got a newsletter from Microsoft. I do normally keep getting stuff from them about the upcoming courses/sessions/conferences. But this kinda took me by surprise.
Since when did Microsoft started doing TP ??

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I had recently joined twitter - (again) a social networking site. Why? My sis is there & she wanted to see me there. I had till date refrained from joining these sites. I could hardly keep the check on orkut, so the very thought of maintaining so many accounts kinda freaks me out.

Nowadays, its like a flood of such so-called-social-networking-sites. Needless to mention they all are the same with a lil difference hither-thither. But do we really need them? Today Im away from home, quite far away. When I look back I see that I hardly spend half an hour a day speaking to them. My good old buddies, the BFF, I hardly hear from them once in a fortnight. Things change and Im not complaining about it. Instead things must change. Today I have a bunch of colleagues-tuned-friends who make my world. With whom I eat, I chat, I share my laughs and grievances with. They make my PRESENT.

I have an account with orkut, and that also comes to a still after a week's usage. But I don't like it when people leave you messages here and there, in the virtual world, when you can be reached directly in the real world. Do we really need these beautiful themed pages to make us feel connected to our loved ones? Although, today I am also a part of it, because MY people want me to be there, in their virtual world. But I still wait for my cellphone to ring... I still wait to hear from them...